Integrating sound effects into your game can greatly enhance the user experience by adding an immersive and interactive dimension. To do this, you need to use the sound parameter in combination with the createSound function.

The createSound Function

The createSound function accepts several types of parameters to generate sounds in your game.

  1. Predefined Sound Type: You can choose from several predefined sound types, such as:

    • RANDOM
    • PICKUP
    • LASER
    • HIT
    • JUMP
    • BLIP
    • FALL
    • FART
  2. Seed: An optional number that allows you to generate a specific sound deterministically. Each seed produces a unique sound, and if you want to obtain the same sound in every game session, you just need to reuse the same seed. If no seed is provided, a different random sound will be generated each time the game is launched.

Example of assigning a sound to the X element:

templates: {
X: {
sound: createSound('POWERUP', 123) // Sound determined by the "POWERUP" type and seed 123

Using a URL for a Custom Sound

It is also possible to generate sounds using a URL from the PFXR interface. This option allows you to create a complex sound using the graphical interface and reuse it directly in your game.

Example of using a URL for a sound in a template:

templates: {
X: {
sound: createSound(
) // Sound generated via a PFXR URL

Creating a Custom Sound with a Sound Object

You can also create more complex or custom sounds by passing a Sound object instead of a predefined sound type. For example:

const customSound = {
waveForm: 2, // Triangle wave form
frequency: 440, // Frequency in Hertz
sustainTime: 0.2, // Sustain duration in seconds
decayTime: 0.5 // Decay duration in seconds
templates: {
X: {
sound: customSound // Custom sound for the X element

For more details on sound customization, you can refer to the official PFXR documentation.

  • Global Game Volume: The overall volume can be controlled using the volume parameter. It accepts a value between 0 (muted) and 1 (maximum volume).
volume: 0.8 // Volume set to 80%

Loading editor...

  player: {
    sprite: `
    position: [4, 4],
  templates: {
      sprite: `