- 1. Getting Started with OdyC
- 2. Naming Your Game
- 3. The Hero
- 4. How to Draw?
- 5. The Map
- 6. Dialogues
- 7. Sound in the Game
- 8. Advanced Template Parameters
- 9. Camera Control
- 10. Integrating Events
- 11. Event Target Manipulation
- 12. Dynamic Hero Modification
- 13. Modifying a Cell
- 14. Global Model Modification
- 15. Orchestration of Dialogues, Sounds, and Endings
- 16. Dynamically Loading Maps
Adding dialogues to your game can significantly enhance the narrative and interactivity. By setting the dialog
property for each template, you can introduce conversations, hints, or story elements.
Whenever a dialog
parameter is set for a template, a dialogue box will open when the player
interacts with it. This allows for dynamic storytelling and player engagement.
Loading editor...
createGame({ player: { sprite: ` ...99... ...88... .000000. 0.0000.0 8.0000.8 ..3333.. ..3..3.. ..0..0.. `, position: [4, 4], }, templates: { P:{ sprite: ` 99999999 91111119 91111119 99999999 ...99... ...99... ...99... ...99... `, }, }, map:` ........ ........ ........ ........ ......P. ........ ........ ........ ` })