The Game Object

Modifying a Tile


This method allows you to retrieve or modify an element at a known position. Use getCell, returned by createGame, by specifying the x and y coordinates.

const game = createGame()
game.getCell(2, 0).visible = false

The getCell method accepts the x and y coordinates of the tile and returns an object with the following properties:

  • readonly symbol: string | null
  • sprite: Tile | null
  • solid: boolean
  • sound: string | null
  • readonly position: [number, number]
  • dialog: string | null
  • visible: boolean
  • end: string | null
  • remove: () => void


Use setCell to modify a tile at a known position. This method takes the x and y coordinates, followed by an object containing the properties to modify.

const game = createGame()
game.setCell(3, 4, {
visible: false,
dialog: 'Hello'

Modifying Multiple Elements

Use setAll to modify all elements with the same symbol. This method takes the symbol of the elements and an object containing the properties to modify.

const game = createGame()
game.setAll('#', {
visible: false

Adding an Element to a Tile

addToCell allows you to add an element, defined in the templates, to a specific position.

const game = createGame()
game.addToCell(3, 2, '#')

This method requires the x and y coordinates of the tile, along with the symbol of the template.

Getting the World Dimensions

To get the dimensions of the world, use the width and height properties, which are read-only.

const game = createGame()
alert(`width: ${game.width}, height: ${game.height}`)

Loading a Map

To load a new map, use loadMap. This method takes a new map as an argument and, optionally, a new player position.

const game = createGame()
[3, 5]